Insightful Book about the Dispossession of Japanese Canadians on Saltspring Island During the Uprooting Published

As if They Were the Enemy
As if They Were the Enemy by Brian Smallshaw

UVic Libraries has just published a book by local historian Brian Smallshaw: As if They Were the Enemy: The Dispossession of Japanese Canadians on Saltspring Island.

It’s a micro-history of the uprooting and dispossession of Japanese Canadians as it happened on Saltspring Island during World War Two, but also a study of the larger processes that led to the decision to liquidate the property of Japanese Canadians without their consent – as if they were the enemy.

Print copies are available for purchase on Saltspring for $20 (cash) or can be mail-ordered directly from the author for $26 for delivery anywhere in Canada. Contact Brian at for local pickup or for mail-order.

Electronic copies (PDF) of the book can be downloaded free from the UVic website, and print copies can also be ordered from their website for $24.95 plus taxes and shipping.

